Codefest 2014
OpenBio Codefest 2014 will take place July 9th and 10th, 2014 (the Wednesday and Thursday before BOSC 2014) in Cambridge, Massachusetts at hack/reduce. This is a great opportunity for open source bioinformatics developers to meet and work collaboratively. We hope to have developers from projects such as BioPerl, BioJava, Biopython, BioRuby, Galaxy and GenomeSpace in attendance. Everyone is welcome to attend.
This is the fifth annual pre-BOSC Codefest, continuing work from Codefest 2010 in Boston, Codefest 2011 in Vienna, Codefest 2012 in Los Angeles, and Codefest 2013 in Berlin.
It will be followed by the EU-Codefest 2014 in England in September 2014.
Most open source bioinformatics projects are coordinated remotely, with users from all over the world contributing and organizing themselves through mailing lists and chats. Contributors work on these projects in their spare time, balancing open source commitments with their day jobs and life outside of the computer.
The objective of the Codefest is to give these talented developers a chance to be fully focused on the projects for a few days, interacting in real time. Previous Hackathons have been immensely successful at producing new high quality code and innovative project developments.
The goals for the two days are determined entirely by attendees. Please add your project ideas to the shared Google document. We’ll use this brainstorming discussion document to prepare directions for the two days of work.
Brad presented a short set of slides from the group at BOSC 2014, linked to from the BOSC 2014 Schedule.
You are very welcome to attend. There is no cost, we only ask you to register to help organize numbers for food and beverages. Please add yourself if you are interested to this Google spreadsheet We’ll coordinate through the Codefest 2014 mailing list, so please sign up to receive updates.
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hack/reduce, a wonderful hacker space in Cambridge, has agreed to host us for the two days. It’s located a short walk from the Kendall Square Red Line T stop: Google map
Thanks to Amazon all participants will receive a $100 AWS credit to support work at the Hackathon.
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors we will have coffee, lunch and dinner for both days. We plan to meet at 9am and work throughout the day and evening. Timing is flexible so come when you are able and contribute as much as you’d like. On July 10th we’ll have a BBQ dinner at Brad’s house in Somerville to thank everyone for all the hard work. The rough schedule highlights for the two days are:
- July 9th, 9am: Greetings, introduction, organization and coffee
- July 9th, 1pm: Lunch, post-lunch organization
- July 9th, 6pm: Dinner, wrap-up discussions, continue working as long as you like
- July 10th, 9am: Greetings, organization and coffee
- July 10th, 1pm: Lunch, post-lunch organization
- July 10th, 3:30pm: Prepare codefest progress reports and slides for BOSC
- July 10th, 5-8pm: BBQ at Brad’s house in Somerville
Our recommendation for housing is to look at AirBnb near Kendall, Central or Harvard square on the Cambridge side of the River or Back Bay/Fenway on the Hynes Convention center side. Generally you want to be near the MBTA train (the T). Red line stops like Kendall, Central, Harvard, Porter or Davis offer good access to Hack/Reduce with a short walk from the Kendall train station. The Green line (B, C, and D; not E) stop at Hynes Convention Center, and you can transfer from Green to Red at Park Street Station downtown.
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We thank Curoverse, Harbinger Partners, Inc. and Amazon Web Services for sponsoring the BOSC CodeFest 2014.