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Codefest 2013

OpenBio Codefest 2013 will take place July 17th and 18th, 2013 (the two days before BOSC 2013) in Berlin, Germany at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. This is a great opportunity for open source bioinformatics developers to meet and work collaboratively. We hope to have developers from projects such as BioPerl, BioJava, Biopython, BioRuby, Galaxy and GenomeSpace in attendance. Everyone is welcome to attend.

This is a follow-up to Codefest 2010 in Boston, Codefest 2011 in Vienna and Codefest 2012 in Los Angeles.


OpenBio projects are typically coordinated remotely, with users from all over the world contributing and organizing themselves through mailing lists and IRC chats. Additionally, contributors work on these projects in their spare time, coordinating improving the projects with their day jobs and life outside of the computer. The objective of the Codefest is to give these talented developers a chance to be fully focused on the projects for a few days, interacting in real time. Previous Hackathons have been immensely successful at producing new high quality code and innovative project developments.

The goals for the two days are determined entirely by developers. Please add your project ideas to the shared Google document. We’ll use this brainstorming discussion document to prepare directions for the two days of work in Berlin.

Codefest Report


Attention, we have two different rooms for the two days.

The 17th:

We’ll be hosted in lab rooms at the Department of Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, in the historic Invalidenstraße number 42 43 (west entrance), in a wing of the Natural History Museum. The nearest metro station is the Naturkundemuseum on U6.

Dinner is at 20:30 at the Speisekombinat in Chausseestr, south corner to Invalidenstr.

The 18th:

Chausseestr. 117, room #551, which is the topmost (5th, starting counting from 0) floor. This time we are even closer to the U6 Naturkundemuseum metro station.

We’ll plan to start at roughly 9am for the two days. Some folks will be later on the first day with incoming morning flights.


You are very welcome to attend. Please add yourself if you are interested to this Google spreadsheet and sign up on the mailing list.

Main Organisers