BOSC 2010 Proceedings
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- ANNOUNCEMENT: the BOSC 2010 Proceedings has been published on the BMC Bioinformatics web site as of 21 December 2010.
First-ever Published BOSC Proceedings
The BOSC Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that this year we will be publishing the first-ever BOSC Proceedings in the Open Access journal, BMC Bioinformatics.
Who is eligible to submit?
- Presenters at BOSC 2010 whose abstracts were reviewed and accepted before the conference (not Lightning Talk presenters who signed up past the abstract deadline or at BOSC itself) are invited to submit a 4-5 page manuscript (approximately 2,500 words, not including the abstract and references) for publication in the Open Access journal, BMC Bioinformatics.
Important Dates
- The deadline has been extended to Wednesday, August 18.
How to submit
- Manuscripts must conform to BMC Bioinformatics author guidelines and
- Manuscripts are expected to take up 4-5 printed pages in the journal, approximately 2500 words, not including the abstract and references.
- Manuscripts may be submitted in .pdf, .doc (Microsoft Word 97-2003),
or .rtf format (files can also be zipped, .zip).
- TeX/LaTeX - please use BioMed Central’s TeX template: and submit your file as a PDF file.
- MS Word - A MS Word template ( is available and consists of a standard set of headings that make up an article manuscript, along with dummy fragments of body text. (Additional instructions are found in the author guidelines and formatting document.)
- Manuscripts must be submitted via our Open Conferences System BOSC
NOT through the BMC Bioinformatics submissions site.
- Paste the abstract for your manuscript in the Abstract form field (not your abstract from the conference). Your abstract should also be included in the main manuscript you upload.
Review Process
- Manuscripts will undergo an additional round of peer-review by a minimum of two reviewers (abstract acceptance to BOSC does not guarantee publication in the Proceedings).
- In the case of a mixed review, the manuscript will be seen by a third reviewer and the Proceedings editor (Kam Dahlquits) will make the final determination of acceptance.
- The decision of the BOSC 2010 Proceedings editor will be final.
- Once all the decisions (including revisions) are completed, the manuscripts will be given as a set to BMC Bioinformatics for publication. They will not undergo additional review by BMC, although the Editor-in-Chief (BMC-series) reserves the right to request changes or reject manuscripts that do not meet the Journal standard.
- Once the article has been typeset by BMC, the authors will be notified to check their articles for corrections.
- Once all of the corrections are in and payment of the Open Access page charges (see below) has been made, the articles will be published.
Open Access Page Charges
- Authors will be charged the fee of GBP 550 per article, invoiced by and paid directly to BioMed Central. This fee is payable regardless of any BioMed Central membership arrangements, and it shall be the responsibility of the author to pay this sum to BioMed Central for inclusion in the Proceedings.