BOSC 2012/BOFs
If you would like to organize a Birds of a Feather (BOF) meeting at BOSC 2012, just sign up for a wiki account, log in, and add your BOF description to this page. Please list the BOF topic and the name of the organizer.
The BOFs are from ~5:30-6:30 in the same room as the BOSC talks.
Friday BOFs (Day 1)
HDF5 Users
Anyone interested in HDF5 or who has questions that could not be answered during the talk is invited to talk to one of the HDF5 developers during this BOF.
Data visualization
For people interested in chatting about tools, approaches, best practices, unsolved issues, … in (biological) data visualization.
Saturday BOFs (Day 2)
Interactive Visualizations with D3
Thought it might be interesting to go over some basics and examples of D3 - a javascript based data visualization library. And perhaps hear how other groups are using (or thinking about using) this tool.
Bioinformatics Interoperability Environments
Topics of interest to developers and users of bioinformatics interoperability environments, e.g. GenomeSpace, Galaxy, Taverna, Mobyle, GenePattern and others.
The myGrid team would like to discuss the interoperability of Taverna (, myExperiment (, BioCatalogue ( with GenomeSpace and Galaxy in particular. We would also like to add in RightField ( and SEEK ( into the mix.
From the NBIC (Netherlands BioInformatics Centre) - myGrid collaboration, we can add the work on enabling the use of Taverna workflows as tools in Galaxy
Packaging of high quality (digital) ‘materials and methods’ may be a function of bioinformatics environments. This is the topic of the workflow forever project, which itself uses a Semantic Web approach for interoperability. Requirements for non-invasive use of its tools and guidelines may be a topic for discussion.
The ISA team would like to enable ISA tools’ output to be interoperable with GenomeSpace to benefit our ISA user community. The ISA-based Harvard Stem Cell Discovery Engine (live database here; NAR paper here; Ben Chapman has also contributed to) is already using Galaxy, so we partly have that link, but interested in expanding for different data types.
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